Saturday, January 9, 2021

HUGE WikiLeaks Dump

 The Guns and Gadgets channel has just reported that a HUGE WikiLeaks dump has just taken place.  View this video before it is taken down.

Stay tuned....

Friday, January 8, 2021

2021 Will Not Be Good For the 2nd Amendment

 Welcome to 2021, and Happy New Year.  I have been away for a while.  I was in a very difficult situation at work and had absolutely NO motivation to do anything else.  But I have forever left that toxic situation and walked into the sunset of semi-retirement.  To be honest, I think it was put on my heart to walk away from that place for a reason.  Now that the election is over, and a new, radical administration is about to take office, I will now be free to do some of the work that I think it's going to take to recruit good political candidates, and help spread the word about things in the news.

We are facing a difficult time for gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment.  The new administration means to pass some draconian anti-gun legislation, and they're not wasting any time...

One good bill, The Hearing Protection Act, seeks to take suppressors off of NFA.  But many other pre-filed bills are going to be horrible if passed.  Sheila Jackson Lee and Al Green have gotten really bold in submitting a lot of these.  There is no doubt in my mind that Biden et al are going to immediately seek to disarm citizens.

The most anti-gun agenda in history is coming at us like a freight train.

Stay tuned...