Stay Sharp With LASR Dry Fire Training Equipment:

Gunfighting is a perishable skill.  That's right, I said "gunfighting."  Because in our ever-changing and more violent society, that is exactly what you will be doing when you have to defend yourself against another armed attacker in your home, in your church, or even just out shopping.  Your goal is to stop the attack to protect yourself and your loved ones.  But as I wrote in another article, you also have a duty to reduce the perceived penalty for a miss and protect the other innocent lives around you.

When it comes to firearms, especially for us concealed carry practitioners, staying sharp requires constant practice to keep those skills and muscle memory in top form.  Constant practice takes trips to the range and lots of ammunition.  But there is a way for you to get much of the required practice that you need to keep your muscle memory and shooting skills in top form through a method called "dry firing."

There is a very sophisticated method for dry fire training available today known as the Light Activated Shot Reporter (LASR) system.  The LASR system is used with many of the laser training aids and laser barrel inserts available for firearms today, and especially the SIRT pistols and AR-15 bolts by Next Level Training.   With these, you can not only get valuable muscle memory training and skills practice but also receive instant feedback on your shooting performance.  One of the added benefits that I have found from this system is that I can use the timed start and timed shooting features to prepare for shooting competitions.

Instant feedback during your dryfire practice:

Use Discount Code NOCOPATRIOT for 10% off! 

I'm an approved referral agent for the LASR App training system.  When you are ready to check out, click on the "Gift Card or Coupon Code" button at the bottom left of the page, then enter my code NOCOPATRIOT in the "Discount Code" box upon checkout as shown in the images below to receive a 10% discount on LASR and SIRT training equipment.

When ready to purchase go to  Then enter the "Discount Code" NOCOPATRIOT at checkout.

Ready to purchase?  Now go to  Then enter the "Discount Code" NOCOPATRIOT at checkout.