Friday, January 8, 2021

Using the 25th Amendment Right Before Inaguration?

Ever since President Trump was elected in 2016, the Democrats have been trying to find any way possible to get rid of him.  They have tried (and failed) impeachment, they have perpetrated various hoaxes, rigged more elections, and they have even tried intimidating others into doing their bidding with violence.

Pelosi has now demanded that President Trump be removed through the 25th Amendment.

Schumer has now demanded that President Trump be removed through the 25th Amendment.

Others are now demanding that President Trump is removed through the 25th Amendment.

Why would they be doing this just days away from Biden taking office?

I'll tell you why:

It's a test of limits. It's a test of what they can get away with. If they can get away with rigging elections to get their candidate elected and ALSO get away with having him removed right before the transfer of power, what do you think they'll get away with when they try to do things to US?  Each success brings a new level of boldness.  When they do succeed with one of their tricks, and no one pushes back, that gives them the incentive to take the next step to see what else they can do.

Tomorrow, it will be more gun control, more taxes, and more suppression of First Amendment exercises.  If they aren't afraid of being resisted, then they will push their agenda farther to the left.

President Trump was right. They weren't after him all along. They are after US!

COVID 19 and the Government Response

So I went to see my doctor yesterday (not disclosing his name so as to protect him). He told me basically what we have known for quite some time now. When it comes to this COVID response, the government has spun everyone up to be ridiculously afraid of a relatively low-risk threat.  I'm an older guy, but he said that because of my good health, I am still a pretty low risk for this virus.  But the powers that be are ignoring obvious risk factors, and have spun people up to be so afraid.  People are now afraid of being near others that churches have drastically decreased attendance, restaurants are losing their businesses, gyms are closing, and we can't do our normal activities without huge amounts of hassle and inconvenience.

We are seeing more and more instances of people even getting downright nasty and violent when they see other people not wearing masks, having people over at their house, or even out walking their dogs without wearing a mask.  They have been taught, through all the government and media fear-mongering, how to comply, and even that they should be turning in others who are not complying the way they think they should be.  Don't believe me?  Go take a look at some of these extremely liberal social media platforms, such as Nextdoor, where we see daily messages from the neighborhood busybodies complaining about others.

My doctor said something that really hit the nail on the head: Our families are everything right now.  We should not be avoiding them.  Just use some common sense.  If you're not feeling well, don't visit them.  But if you're feeling well, have no symptoms, and if they are well also, then go see them.  Wash your hands more often, don't share food and drink, and just use common sense!  As we saw from some folks in a Greeley, CO assisted care facility not too long ago, those folks said that they would rather die of COVID than die of loneliness.

We've been through pandemics before.  We'll have pandemics again.  But God created us with this wonderful thing called an immune system, and our immune systems are not doing their job if we stay isolated from each other.  Look, it's not my place to tell you what or what not to do in all of this.  Just don't tell me what I should or should not be doing.